I hatched all my gamefowl egg using my homemade incubator
(polystyrene box).
All of the component such as thermostat,thermometer,dimmer switch,
wire for connection and 40 watt bulb/socket obtained from local electrical store.
I made it as simple and cheap as it can be because this incubator
model is only for my educational purposes only.
Inside the incubator
I use egg tray to hold my eggs in place so that I would stay still.
I use two different thermometer for redundancy.
The thermostat and dimmer switch
I control my incubator approximately at 39C.As you can see,I did not monitor
the humidity because here in my place,the humidity is high,meaning mothly
relative humidity falls between 70-90 %.
For the hatching mode,I just sprikle mist of water to help soften the egg to help hatching.
The hatching percentage for my incubator is around 60% where 4 out of 7 eggs
hatched (first batch),8 out of 15 eggs hatched,and 18 out of 25 eggs hatched.
Until next post.